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Member Since 30 Mar 2012
Offline Last Active Apr 11 2012 11:47 PM

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Esterbrook Dollar Pens: Why are they not as popular as the J-Series

30 March 2012 - 11:56 PM

Hello, I am new to this forum, but not new to fountain pens. I just purchased two Esterbrook Dollar pens from Dr. Isaacson, and I was wondering why Dollar pens don't seem to be as sought after as the J-Series or other Esterbrook pens? I was searching Esterbrook online and there is literally a million things on the different types of J-Series, but not a lot on the Dollar Pens. I don't understand, because they look pretty and seem to carry more history than the J-Series. Does anyone else here collect Dollar pens? If so, can you give me a hint of what to expect when I receive my two Dollar pens?