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There have been 715 items by brando090 (Search limited from 03-July 23)

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#17313 Who won this auction?

Posted by brando090 on 30 August 2012 - 04:09 PM in Post Your Pen Finds

Mr Saskatoon
It is truely right and just to feel uneasy about this post.
Jerry Adair

I apologize that i like the pens.

#18236 Skyline - Multiple Bands

Posted by brando090 on 25 September 2012 - 11:16 AM in WAHL, WATERMAN and CONKLIN (USA "Big Five")

This one is also interesting:


Nice condition, that's for sure.

#17067 Box Value

Posted by brando090 on 21 August 2012 - 06:10 PM in PARKER: (USA "Big Five")

Seems to me that unless you're resonably sure the box is original to the pen, or at least could have been, it adds no value at all. Unless one happens to collect boxes...


It is original to the pen, ill see if i can get a photo, as i know of many variations in boxes.

#17054 Box Value

Posted by brando090 on 21 August 2012 - 04:30 AM in PARKER: (USA "Big Five")

Im curious on how much added value a Parker box has to a Golden Web Junior Slender 2 Band Lockdown vacumatic?

#16916 It's Here

Posted by brando090 on 17 August 2012 - 10:17 PM in Greetings + Latest News


Those numbers are low and high estimates, what we think the pen will sell at. Bidding starts at half the low estimate.

The e-blast for the sale and the actual online catalogue (as opposed to this link) will go out Monday.

Thanks for your interest.


Looks great, were the emails for the catalog sent out? (I haven't received an email yet) Also what does say [500/750] mean? I take it means money, but please help me.

Thanks Rick,

Never seen that used before without dollar signs. Im used to looking at Sotheby and Bonham auction's. Other wise looks amazing!

#17116 Box Value

Posted by brando090 on 24 August 2012 - 04:42 AM in PARKER: (USA "Big Five")

Here is the box with the pen, a very nice pen, im not sure if id call it a user since its in good condition, but its definitely not NOS either.

Posted Image

#24003 Storage Locker Find

Posted by brando090 on 26 April 2013 - 02:54 AM in Post Your Pen Finds

That prohibition pen is very unique, I've never seen one, but I believe I have came across David N's article relating to commemorative gifts but did not pay close attention to the pen. Can one speculate on how many examples of the Waterman are known?


Posted by brando090 on 07 April 2013 - 03:11 AM in PARKER: (USA "Big Five")

Sorry for the thread bump, but I can't help but bump such a great resource. I also have a question on a Lucky Curve England 30 nib, what does this mean?

#19073 Hello from Washington State

Posted by brando090 on 10 October 2012 - 07:34 PM in Say Hello!

Welcome to FPB

#16891 It's Here

Posted by brando090 on 17 August 2012 - 04:44 AM in Greetings + Latest News

Looks great, were the emails for the catalog sent out? (I haven't received an email yet) Also what does say [500/750] mean? I take it means money, but please help me.

#23893 Waterman Pattern ID?

Posted by brando090 on 23 April 2013 - 05:14 AM in WAHL, WATERMAN and CONKLIN (USA "Big Five")

A grand find, all told.
I have never seen this pattern done in this style,

Thanks, David. I am honestly flabbergasted that I've been able to recently come up with two Sterling Watermans you haven't seen the likes of. I will make sure to bring them both to Raleigh so you can see them in person. When you say you haven't seen this pattern done in this style, do you mean you haven't seen it as a safety pen, a fully covered pen, or as a telescoping cap pen?

If possible I'd like to chime in. Hopefully none of my facts are out of place.

I think what David means by not seeing this style, is that he hasn't seen it in the telescoping cap. In all honestly, I haven't either. I've seen it in half overlays, safety's, and regular overlays but nothing with a telescoping cap.

I don't know how many telescoping capped ringtop Watermans were made in total, as I've only seen examples or ringtops, but I suspect that less than 10% of all L.E. Watermans ringrop pens were ever telescoping capped pens given the scarcity.

Just my .02, would love to hear from someone with more resources.

#16915 It's Here

Posted by brando090 on 17 August 2012 - 10:17 PM in Greetings + Latest News


Those numbers are low and high estimates, what we think the pen will sell at. Bidding starts at half the low estimate.

The e-blast for the sale and the actual online catalogue (as opposed to this link) will go out Monday.

Thanks for your interest.


Looks great, were the emails for the catalog sent out? (I haven't received an email yet) Also what does say [500/750] mean? I take it means money, but please help me.

Thanks Rick,

Never seen that used before without dollar signs. Im used to looking at Sotheby and Bonham auction's. Other wise looks amazing!

#16286 Hellooooooo from UK

Posted by brando090 on 23 July 2012 - 05:37 PM in Say Hello!


Do you have any fountain pens as of right now?

#15888 My Little User Collection

Posted by brando090 on 04 July 2012 - 06:01 AM in Post Your Pen Finds

G'day Mars :)

Thanks for sharing your collection.
I have two questions:

  • are the drawings yours? If so, very nice indeed.
  • is the dip pen with the MOP handle at the bottom [front[ of the photo a Foley's?

Hi Garth,

That dip pen is a Mabie Todd and Co. New York #3 (The lone nib next to it is a Warranted one I just got on a broken "Controlor" Pen from Germany. One Pound for the pen, Five for shipping!)

Thank you for the compliment on my sketches. I started getting flexible nibs to let off steam from work by drawing pictures, which I used to do all the time, and now am starting again. Those are on folded Fabriano Watercolor paper, with the idea of sending them as cards. If you like, I would be happy to send you one with a note inside (or not). I'd be famous Down Under! (insert appropriately exuberant emoticon and quote from Muriel's Wedding here.)

Best wishes,

I also love the sketches, i din't know they were yours, but thanks for explaining. They are good enough that you should a limited edition set of 100 or something.

#15862 My Little User Collection

Posted by brando090 on 03 July 2012 - 06:19 PM in Post Your Pen Finds


Im guessing you dont like Esterbrook's? I like the hammered cap P51.

#15865 My Little User Collection

Posted by brando090 on 03 July 2012 - 07:01 PM in Post Your Pen Finds


Im guessing you dont like Esterbrook's? I like the hammered cap P51.

O, I love my Esties, and think they have one of the prettiest designs, but they don't get so much use anymore.
The "51" is the latest purchase, for $45.00. Fred Krinke kindly cut the new diaphragm for me, because the person who "restored" it put in a diaphragm as long as an eel.
But it is a smooth medium nib.

Congrats on the purchase!

#16307 Hellooooooo from UK

Posted by brando090 on 24 July 2012 - 08:23 PM in Say Hello!

Congrats Lorrie,

Do you know the models of the Sheaffers and Parker?

#16565 Parker #51 wrong clip..?

Posted by brando090 on 07 August 2012 - 02:50 AM in PARKER: (USA "Big Five")

After alot of looking, im also not 100% on that P51. Looking at some sites, and finding a few pens similar (not the same) im lead to believe its an English P51 Aerometric.

I will put a pound on that its a P51 vac ;)

True, ill have to do a bit more looking, or maybe David N. or I. can chime in...

#16563 Parker #51 wrong clip..?

Posted by brando090 on 07 August 2012 - 02:33 AM in PARKER: (USA "Big Five")

After alot of looking, im also not 100% on that P51. Looking at some sites, and finding a few pens similar (not the same) im lead to believe its an English P51 Aerometric.

#16566 Parker #51 wrong clip..?

Posted by brando090 on 07 August 2012 - 02:55 AM in PARKER: (USA "Big Five")

After alot of looking, im also not 100% on that P51. Looking at some sites, and finding a few pens similar (not the same) im lead to believe its an English P51 Aerometric.

I will put a pound on that its a P51 vac ;)

I have no clue on the pen, i dont want to jump to conclusions, but frankenpen?

#15804 Parker #28

Posted by brando090 on 02 July 2012 - 12:27 AM in PARKER: (USA "Big Five")

Aren't the beautiful overlay Parkers worth more?

As is usually the case, the answer is "it depends". In a lot of cases, Parkers with overlays have a higher value than non-overlay pens. But this all ties back to relative scarcity. The non-overlay pens were generally less expensive to buy when new, so more of them were made and sold into the market. But some overlays are fairly common, such as the Model 16 with gold-filled fillagree overlay. I can buy five of them for the price of a Black Giant, a black hard rubber pen. While that sounds like an unfair comparison, generally Model 16s are worth less than a BHR model 20 click-filler. Again, it's all about relative scarcity.

John, do you like these black pens B) What makes these more collectable than others? I know the gold band adds some value, and anything on a particular year that makes it special?

I can't answer your question on what makes them more or less collectable than others. Why are there so many Duofold collectors, which are much more common pens than the earlier BHR pens and the overlays? It's just what strikes your fancy.

Do I like the black hard rubber pens? Hum, let's see....take a look below. This will do for a start. Stand back. :rolleyes:

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Nice collection John! I must say, they dont spark my fancy, so disrespect to you.

#16190 How to host photos with the Gallery tab

Posted by brando090 on 15 July 2012 - 11:14 PM in Greetings + Latest News

Thanks for the post,

I was there, just sometimes it takes soo long to upload. But ive finally uploaded a picture Posted Image

#15789 Parker #28

Posted by brando090 on 30 June 2012 - 11:05 PM in PARKER: (USA "Big Five")


I was tempted to buy this pen, the price was very reasonable. However those $350 can go towards something I don't have already, congrats to the winner though! Posted Image

It didn't hit ebay as a BIN, but it looks like Bob Novak made the guy an offer and he took it. Too bad, as I was going to bid on that pen and willing to go a little more. It's a nice pen, and IMHO much more scarce than Black Giants.

I dont have nearly as much experience is Parker than i do Waterman. Aren't the beautiful overlay Parkers worth more? John, do you like these black pens B) What makes these more collectable than others? I know the gold band adds some value, and anything on a particular year that makes it special?

#19337 Haven't seen one of these

Posted by brando090 on 12 October 2012 - 07:34 PM in WAHL, WATERMAN and CONKLIN (USA "Big Five")

Thank you, and sadly just wanted to remind this isn't a deal thread or anything like that. I thought it may of been a smooth overlay, and yes it's a 452 which was labeled a 1/2 model in the title, which really caught me off guard. The photo's are really bad, but still a cool thought if the pen is out there of a smooth silver 452. Looking forward to the app, how long of a duration would the app look over?

Good Lord! How many times? Pay Attention!

MIT ? You can't be serious.

BTW, you are also wrong in your following statement. It was a 452 1/2 that was labeled a 452 1/2V in the title.

Im sorry, i was asking a broad question. I dont want another one of those threads.

#19352 Haven't seen one of these

Posted by brando090 on 13 October 2012 - 02:21 AM in WAHL, WATERMAN and CONKLIN (USA "Big Five")

Im sorry, i was asking a broad question. I dont want another one of those threads.

His comment largely was focused on grammar. Whether his point was small or not, he was not commenting on the pen or merit of the pen question. Nothing wrong with the pen question, though as I noted, the ebay ad is somewhat limited in its own presentation. Yeah, maybe its a bit snarky to keep poking at awful grammar, but-- again-- how one writes speaks to how he thinks. Spending 10% more time on each post before posting would not be a bad thing. Too, again, I suggest you buy Strunk and White, and Word Power Made Easy. Seriously, half the hours spent the next year with those two books that you are now spending on pens now will do more to improve your future prospects and career opportunities than you likely can imagine.



Thank you,

Ill add those two to my to buy book list. Looking back at my first post, what was i thinking when i typed that.