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There have been 715 items by brando090 (Search limited from 27-September 23)

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#23612 WTB or WTT: Silver Pens Pre 1940

Posted by brando090 on 14 April 2013 - 06:41 AM in Want Lists and Trade Offers

Your words are correct, and I appreciate hearing the truth. The one thing I understood about the pen was that the size waslearnmmon, and many haven't handled the Waterman 7 size pens before. If their is more that I don't know,I'm ears open and ready to learn.

Moving beyond some of the dysfunctional verbiage, I note that the pen in question is not a 7-size pen.



Let me reread and get back to you.

The 472 1/2, please teach me what I don't know.

Also I do have the chance to purchase a 475, I take that it might be even harder to come by?

#23595 WTB or WTT: Silver Pens Pre 1940

Posted by brando090 on 14 April 2013 - 05:32 AM in Want Lists and Trade Offers

Thanks for showing me the thread. A nice pen, but nothing too rare about the pen.

The word, "clueless", comes to mind...


I may be, but this pen still doesn't change. The pattern is not special, there is no insignia given someone of interest, the only thing going for it is an uncommon size. I'm not an expert, but maybe a $5-800 pen?... Retail.

You mean, "I 'might' be", rather than "I 'may' be", since the giving of permission never was suggested.

Furthermore, no one suggested the pen was... changing, so your imaginings about changing pens is irrelevant.

The remainder of your comments serve our community well, as an example of poor insight into collecting in general and into pen collecting in particular.

Perhaps the best example of this is the mistake of equating rarity and cachet with mere price.

Too, the pen is not an uncommon size.

Perhaps you can tell us how many Pansy Panel 472 1/2 Waterman pens you have handled...



I previously stated I've not handled any. You also have said the same, so why say this is not an uncommon size?

Im not exactly sure what sort of insight you'd like me to gather. I suppose my spectrum isn't wide enough, but I do know a thing or two. Or at least I'd like to think that (I'll let you decide). As you know I do focus of Watermans primarily, and German pens.

The Fountain Pens of Europe Book and Waterman Past and Present Book I suppose are being more and more apparent to buy.

#23614 WTB or WTT: Silver Pens Pre 1940

Posted by brando090 on 14 April 2013 - 06:57 AM in Want Lists and Trade Offers

The 472 1/2, please teach me what I don't know.

Also I do have the chance to purchase a 475, I take that it might be even harder to come by?

To start then, do you know what a Waterman 475 is, what features make it "475"?



I do appreciate the willingness to help me, I really so appreciate it.

And from what ive read the 47x series is a screw cap eyedropper which is the 7,the 4 means silver, and 2 means nib size and the 1/2 is the slender model. To kill two bids with one stone, the 475 would have a Watermans #5 nib, is this correct?

#23643 WTB or WTT: Silver Pens Pre 1940

Posted by brando090 on 15 April 2013 - 02:55 AM in Want Lists and Trade Offers

The phrase is 'kill two BIRDS with one stone'.

Autocorrect doesn't always word, buy yes that is what I meant. Anything else about this pen that I don't know?

No "pen" has been discussed, rather a model number. We'd have to see an actual pen and find out what you know in order to figure out what you don't know.



Can't we just speak in theory, and give me a little fountain pen quiz on Watermans which will find my IQ on what I know and don't know... :)

#23650 WTB or WTT: Silver Pens Pre 1940

Posted by brando090 on 15 April 2013 - 03:47 AM in Want Lists and Trade Offers

Autocorrect doesn't always word, buy yes that is what I meant.

More autocorrect lulz! And not at your expense, Brandon, believe me. I find great humor in the way autocorrect changes our messages and meanings, in general, not just in your message. Nonetheless, I nearly spewed my beverage...

Unbelievable Jon, this is ridiculous, and this will be double and triple checked for grammatical mistakes.

#23242 WTB or WTT: Silver Pens Pre 1940

Posted by brando090 on 01 April 2013 - 03:35 AM in Want Lists and Trade Offers

Bump, need more.

#23590 WTB or WTT: Silver Pens Pre 1940

Posted by brando090 on 14 April 2013 - 05:18 AM in Want Lists and Trade Offers

0. And yes, knowledge is power. That is why I'm a #1.

You do understand though for me, size doesn't matter. I'm after much harder to come by Watermans. We all have a different motive for our collections, so let's not argue over why size may or may not matter.

Note, Brandon, that you don't sound smart, so you don't qualify for what you claim.



What reasoning presents itself if you don't mind me asking...?

#23361 WTB or WTT: Silver Pens Pre 1940

Posted by brando090 on 05 April 2013 - 05:36 AM in Want Lists and Trade Offers

I don't know if this qualifies for good or bad, but I take it as good in that its a teachable moment and it keeps us all busy on the forum :)

Also $18 get you a lot from a hard working, motivated employee. I'm not only in charge of about 14 other employees, but I make sure everyone is on task and not standing around. As they say, if your leaning, your cleaning.

Are you sure it's your leaning, not my leaning?


Did you not score very well on the English portion of the ACT exam?

I apologize for any grammatical errors, I'm on a different system that I'm not accustomed to.

#23267 WTB or WTT: Silver Pens Pre 1940

Posted by brando090 on 02 April 2013 - 06:10 AM in Want Lists and Trade Offers

And what are you trading Brandon?

Anything and everything, Im sure I could find something to fill someones desire list if they have something I have to have.

#23588 WTB or WTT: Silver Pens Pre 1940

Posted by brando090 on 14 April 2013 - 05:12 AM in Want Lists and Trade Offers

[quote name='JonSzanto' date='14 April 2013 - 12:10 AM' timestamp='1365916216' post='23586']
David nailed it with one word. Holy fuck, this is painful.


#23362 WTB or WTT: Silver Pens Pre 1940

Posted by brando090 on 05 April 2013 - 05:38 AM in Want Lists and Trade Offers

At age 72 I am unsure if I have ever heard that bit of wisdom "if you're leaning your cleaning" Must have escaped me during my Philosophy class in 1959, I guess the authoratative bearing of a 16 year old must get everyones attention. And 14 people WOW I was the VP of Sales of a $44MM company and didn't have 14 people and the Director of Sales of a unit of Fasco Motors with sales of over $100MM and didn't have 14 people as direct reports. I am envious!
Doth thou exaggerate to much?


I understand what this must mean for you, and not underestimating you, but the employees I'm in charge of, are part of a $2.4 billion dollar a year company. And yes, its billions with a b.

#23388 WTB or WTT: Silver Pens Pre 1940

Posted by brando090 on 05 April 2013 - 07:16 PM in Want Lists and Trade Offers

What hours are you working Brandon, how many days a week and how many are you supervising?

Based on previous responses...you are pushing a rope.

I'm going with Wendy's they are always scrubbing something.

Not Wendys.

#23583 WTB or WTT: Silver Pens Pre 1940

Posted by brando090 on 14 April 2013 - 04:35 AM in Want Lists and Trade Offers

Thanks for showing me the thread. A nice pen, but nothing too rare about the pen.

The word, "clueless", comes to mind...


I may be, but this pen still doesn't change. The pattern is not special, there is no insignia given someone of interest, the only thing going for it is an uncommon size. I'm not an expert, but maybe a $5-800 pen?... Retail.

How many overlay pens of this size have you seen? Several of the participants here have been collecting pens longer than you have existed. Most have considerably more resources than an 18/hr supervisor and several have indicated they have not owned such a pen.

Reread the thread. Knowing the details of who has seen what gives you an advantage over other less knowledgable buyers. There have been several good lessons on the board in the last week. Knowledge is power and right now the lessons are free-should you choose to buy and sell with the more seasoned players dealing in exquisite pens, the lessons could get expensive.

0. And yes, knowledge is power. That is why I'm a #1.

You do understand though for me, size doesn't matter. I'm after much harder to come by Watermans. We all have a different motive for our collections, so let's not argue over why size may or may not matter.

#25354 Brandon Cifani (Brando090) is engaged in fraud

Posted by brando090 on 18 May 2013 - 02:12 PM in Elements of Collecting: Hunting, Valuing and Polemicizing

I really can't tell FPB how much I truly apologize. My actions were very arrogant, and irresponsible. I would like to apologize to everyone I have hurt, as I wasn't trying to deceive anybody. Simply I was looking for another buyer, so that two people could afford one collection of pens. But what I failed to consider, is I can only sell pens after I've bought them.

I very much take full responsibility for my stupidity, and I sincerely apologize to the fullest degree for my actions.

Arrogance and irresponsibility really are not relevant. Sort of like an attempted murderer apologizing for being thoughtless. Perhaps you can find better words for what is wrong with you.

Also, you appear to be a liar or to have a mental defect. The issue of "selling" things you don't own had clearly been raised for you before. This is not new. Based (yet again, in this latest run) on your posts to George, we know you are a liar. Lying, by definition, indeed is deception, so clearly you *were* trying to deceive.

So, explain to us what sort of person fails to consider he cannot sell what he does not own?

Of note, you have "apologized" for this sort of thing before.

Who you thought might afford a collection matters not at all. It wasn't your collection.

Your posts on Gun, Precious Metal, Car, and Music Equipment sites are similarly interesting.

So, what then is your defect?



I was being very inconsiderate, and yet again not knowing the pen community is as small as it is.

Also this is not apologizing, this is a huge apology, in which I will be sure to step back from the hobby and rethink my actions.

I understand how it would be fraud with me taking the money and running, but I wasn't going to do that. I was simply looking for someone to buy into the collection with me.

Not only is this the second and last time I will ever sell without buying, but its the last time I communicate with people who have manipulated in the past and continue to manipulate me. The people who managed to manipulate me into trying to sell them pens, were people which in fact knew prior to messaging me that there friend had pens which they photographed for me the day before. If that is deceptioin, I don't know what is.

I would like to say again, I really have overstepped the boundaries and apologize.

#25349 Brandon Cifani (Brando090) is engaged in fraud

Posted by brando090 on 18 May 2013 - 01:29 PM in Elements of Collecting: Hunting, Valuing and Polemicizing

I really can't tell FPB how much I truly apologize. My actions were very arrogant, and irresponsible. I would like to apologize to everyone I have hurt, as I wasn't trying to deceive anybody. Simply I was looking for another buyer, so that two people could afford one collection of pens. But what I failed to consider, is I can only sell pens after I've bought them.

I very much take full responsibility for my stupidity, and I sincerely apologize to the fullest degree for my actions.