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There have been 1 items by 2jakes (Search limited from 04-June 23)

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#19123 Hi all

Posted by 2jakes on 10 October 2012 - 10:19 PM in Say Hello!

Hi all

I would like to introduce myself to the group and tell you a bit about myself.

I am a pen collector, repair and restorer , which I became involved in through my profession as an engineer. I have had a knack of repairing things from being a kid and enjoy taking something that is damaged or faulty and getting it back to a working state. Needless too say, I also repair other things that are old and breathing life back it them so they can be usefully used again.

Regards to all

Welcome John ! I'm new to the forum & also to pen collecting. What has inspired me to join is to learn more about pens.
Specifically starting with the Parker "Big Red". There are places where to obtain them…just have to know what to look for !
Not sure if this is a "piggy-back" intro…but I hope to contribute as well as learn a thing or two !
Cheers ! Posted Image