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There have been 4 items by markiv (Search limited from 28-September 23)

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#43825 Pens of 2016

Posted by markiv on 21 January 2017 - 04:44 PM in Post Your Pen Finds

C, please let me know if you decide to sell it.


Here are a couple of Gehas that came my way in 2016.


#43821 Pens of 2016

Posted by markiv on 20 January 2017 - 12:50 AM in Post Your Pen Finds

I thought I had seen Marukin someplace else...On Pentrace


Jim Mamoulides recently shared pictures he had made for a 2006 Penant issue.



#43820 Pens of 2016

Posted by markiv on 19 January 2017 - 11:46 PM in Post Your Pen Finds


That Marukin is very very impressive. Congrats.

#43134 Omas Extra Lucens anellata

Posted by markiv on 03 April 2016 - 09:11 PM in Post Your Pen Finds

Nice find. I am big fan of these vintage beauties.

Please post some pictures once you have cleaned it up.