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#22787 A Wahl Mini Collection: Killer Brazilian

Posted by barriep on 02 March 2013 - 04:55 PM in WAHL, WATERMAN and CONKLIN (USA "Big Five")

I have a habit of assembling mini collections each representing a specific theme. Of course, sometimes pens can be mixed and matched to form different mini collections.

Since my earliest days in the hobby I've been fond of the color variably described by Wahl as Green and Gold, Green and Bronze, and Brazilian Green. Used on late 1920's flat top pens and on the early 1930's Equi-Poised, a surprisingly large variant range can be hunted. While I've not set out to collect this color in completist fashion, nonetheless in 12 years I've managed to find a nice example here an there. During the last year I acquired the OS Equi-Poised both military clip and side clip (the side clip pen truly is a monster). For first time I put the pens into one case.

They look nice side by side. Indeed, those of you who know Wahl will recognize a few off-catalogue variants.

Mini collections are fun :)

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Did Wahl's use of this colour stop with the Equi-Poised? It would seem so. Did any other manufacturer copy the colour?