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There have been 3 items by Maethelwine (Search limited from 27-September 23)

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#7612 Wyvern Models, Top to Bottom

Posted by Maethelwine on 18 July 2011 - 07:03 AM in BRITISH PENS

Thanks everyone. A 1920's ripple hard rubber Wyvern sounds like a handy thing to have lying around. Have to keep an eye out.

#7592 Wyvern Models, Top to Bottom

Posted by Maethelwine on 17 July 2011 - 01:26 PM in BRITISH PENS

Thanks for your help. Both of you have offered some useful leads.

I'm trying to find a point of entry, as a beginning collector, that focuses at least initially on one or two (or three...) largely overlooked brands. I picked up a couple of Eagles, and while the celluloid bodies are pretty the nibs didn't exactly make me break into song. Gathered up a few hints here and there that some Wyvern pens were well made, and came with good nibs for writing.

I didn't take the lack of response personally. I don't always respond to e-mails that appear out of thin air either, especially if I'm in a busy period. And one of the people I wrote seems to have all but stopped their online activity. For all I know they're ill.

Anyway, thanks again.

#7585 Wyvern Models, Top to Bottom

Posted by Maethelwine on 17 July 2011 - 08:36 AM in BRITISH PENS

Hello everyone. I am a nearly perfect specimen of the dread newbie, which is why I've been trying to keep my mouth shut and just read.

I was happy to see there's some Summit info here. I'm interested in the brand and it's not as extensively covered, obviously, as many others.

Can I trouble anyone, though, for some information on Wyvern pens? I got two on eBay recently, both "Perfect Pen" lever fillers, from a seller in Israel. I promptly cracked the barrel on one trying to replace the section after a resacking. I'll be sending it off for repairs soon. I used heat on the second, moved a lot more carefully, and ended up with a fairly fragile feeling but very pleasant little writing pen.

What, if any, were Wyvern's 'iconic' models? If I was going to buy, say, one or two more and wanted to shoot for the top end of their product line or period, what direction would you point me in? I've emailed a couple of people directly who seem to collect the brand heavily, and for whatever reasons I haven't received a reply. I hope one or more of you can throw a little light on this for me. I'm especially interested in the models which display the Wyvern image on the nib, barrel or both.

Thanks very much. I'm really enjoying reading the posts here.