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There have been 1 items by HisNibs (Search limited from 05-June 23)

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#44221 His Nibs.com newsletter -- I just have too many dollars!

Posted by HisNibs on 16 October 2019 - 10:59 PM in Pens for Sale

wish I had too many dollars, but I do have too many Dollars! I'm speaking, of course, of the piston-filler and syringe-filler versions of these neat fountain pens from Pakistan.




I've carried these terrific, inexpensive pens for quite a few years -- and they've always been popular sellers. However, I recently took possession of a large quantity at one time -- and want to move them quickly. It benefits me, and for a limited time, it really benefits you.


These models have been entry-level priced at $15.00 for the pistons and $10.00 for the syringes since...well, forever. At that price they've always been great pens to introduce someone to what a piston-filler or syringe-filler fountain pen is all about. They also make great knock-around pens.


Well, for a limited time (basically, until I make a significant dent in this huge supply I've received), I'm offering them to you for $5.00 each! See the details in my newsletter here.




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I also won a little award last week for sharing a business story. As it involved an incident at a pen show, I thought I'd share it here.