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There have been 28 items by Teej47 (Search limited from 29-June 23)

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#24832 Who Made This Music Nib/Pen?

Posted by Teej47 on 07 May 2013 - 07:20 PM in Post Your Pen Finds

Note that the logo looks a bit like a goat leaping in the mountains. "Bock" means "buck", which along with male bunnies and male deer can refer to male goats. That would be why bock beers traditionally have a goat on the label somewhere. It's a German thing.


#31824 Woo Hoo for Coral!

Posted by Teej47 on 03 January 2014 - 08:33 PM in Post Your Pen Finds

The Estie did set me back nearly four dollars, so there was a moment of internal conflict.  If I'd had two or three more dollars cash in my wallet (which would have been enough to pick up the Sheaffer) I would have had to pass on the Estie.  But I couldn't very well pass on the Sheaffer... which meant the debit card came out.  I didn't have authorization from the CFO (the lovely mother of my five kids), so I fugured another four bucks wouldn't really get me in any additional trouble.  Besides, it was blue.



#31684 Woo Hoo for Coral!

Posted by Teej47 on 02 January 2014 - 09:01 PM in Post Your Pen Finds

Went for my first antique shop crawl in a couple months last Saturday.  My first stop was at a recently opened place that I hadn't been to before.  There were about a dozen pens lined up in a display case, and a blue Esterbrook LJ and an orange Sheaffer of some sort both grabbed my eye.


The orange Sheaffer was in great shape; clearly whoever O. W. Haney was didn't use it much.  Then I looked at the bottom of the pen... "R3-25C Semi Fine $3.00".  Yep, stickered!


As if that wasn't thrilling enough, I walked out with both pens for under 30 bucks.


Dandy way to finish the year!  Now I guess I should take a picture or two...

