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There have been 28 items by Teej47 (Search limited from 27-June 23)

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#27359 Ebay Catch!

Posted by Teej47 on 01 August 2013 - 07:17 PM in USA "Other": Bexley; Cross; Esterbrook; Carter, Chilton, Moore, Leboeuf, Dunn, Triad, etc.

My "Sumgai" story for the week!

I won a two pen lot on the bay this week- a Sheaffer Craftsman, and an Estie Trans J pen in black.

When the pens arrived yesterday, I was really pleased to find a "toaster" jewel up top, and a 2314B nib!

I got both pens for $25!!


Sweet! A free Craftsman with purchase of an awesome Estie. Can't beat that with a stick!


#31819 What a Gem!

Posted by Teej47 on 03 January 2014 - 08:16 PM in Post Your Pen Finds

Looks like fun!

#32090 I was a bit disappointed with Doctor Who's final Matt Smith Episode.

Posted by Teej47 on 08 January 2014 - 10:42 PM in What's New in Your Life

I was let down quite a bit too.  They must have spent all the creative juice on the Anniversary show and had nothing left for the Christmas show.


The fact that I watched the show wearing my "Exterminating in the Rain" tee shirt, armed with my Sonic Screwdriver and 11th Doctor Mr Potatohead, eased the pain a bit.  I'm looking forward to Peter Capaldi's portayal of the Doctor now!

