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Chito Limson's Content

There have been 2 items by Chito Limson (Search limited from 28-September 23)

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#137 DC Pen Super Show

Posted by Chito Limson on 01 July 2010 - 10:14 PM in Pen Shows, Clubs, Associations, Books and Magazines.

Thank you for the replies. I shall try to email bjohnson again and see what happens.

#83 DC Pen Super Show

Posted by Chito Limson on 01 July 2010 - 05:53 AM in Pen Shows, Clubs, Associations, Books and Magazines.

I'll be in VA the week of the pen super show at DC and I'll be glad to meet some of you guys who'll be attending. For sure, I'm excited to see the nibmeisters, the independent pen makers and dealers as well as the repair gurus.

Looking over the program over at pencentral.com, I noted that August 12 and 13 are designated as pre-show dates while August 14 and 15 are described as 'open to the public'. What exactly does pre-show mean and who are allowed to come during these days? I emailed bjohnson@pencentral.com with these same queries but never got a reply.