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There have been 3 items by oakalley (Search limited from 05-June 23)

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#32226 Waterman Patrician plastic barrel replacement

Posted by oakalley on 11 January 2014 - 04:53 PM in R & R: (Repair and Restoration)

Thanks very much for the link. That barrel (EBay pen) is only marginally better than the one I have, and as was stated, it's also hard rubber. Thanks Jerry, I have a really good cap, mine looks fine with no brassing or cracks, just looking for a plastic barrel to match the cap. I'll give Robert Lott a shout.


Are their any chances that some of these pen workers, builders/restorers could turn a new barrel out of plastic? it wouldn't have the Waterman imprints, but the ones on my barrel are so worn, they are hard to see. I had sent a Waterman Onyx Patrician to a guy years ago, can't even remember his name, he was supposed to try to find a section for it or have one turned, long story short, lost track of it, forgot about it, he never contacted me, but I never got my pen repaired or returned!! From what he told me, there are artisans out there who can reconstruct just about anything given the time money and materials. If this is a possibility, then that might be the route I choose. I can always keep on the lookout for a genuine black plastic barrel.


#32144 Waterman Patrician plastic barrel replacement

Posted by oakalley on 09 January 2014 - 11:38 PM in R & R: (Repair and Restoration)

I have a pretty nice "user" Black Patrician that I bought years ago. unfortunately, the pen is a "marriage" as it has a nice plastic cap and good section and a wonderful flex medium nib, however it came to me with what I believe is a black rubber barrel, which is now discolored to a greyish black color and almost brown near the end. the filler lever is in really nice condition with no brassing and the gold imprint on the top is good. I have been searching (not too much lately!!) for a replacement plastic barrel, and someone who can do the replacement. I would really like to get this one restored if possible. It's a great using pen, but I don't care for the color difference. I know this is a long shot as Patrician parts are pretty scarce, but  I thought I   would ask.
Thanks in advance
Here are a couple of photos that show the difference in color between the barrel and the cap



#32143 Hello from Mississippi

Posted by oakalley on 09 January 2014 - 11:23 PM in Say Hello!

Greetings from Mississippi. I have been a pen collector for many years, sort of had the hobby on hold for the past couple of years, life has been pretty hectic.Mmy interest has always been toward vintage pens. While I have a smattering of quite a few brands, Conklins are my favorite. I have probably around 40 vintage Conklins from the earliest to some of the last vintage Conklins produced. looking forwards to gaining more knowledge and meeting new friends thru pen collecting.