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There have been 3 items by hanryy (Search limited from 26-September 23)

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#35241 Greetings from Northern California

Posted by hanryy on 09 June 2014 - 04:11 PM in Say Hello!

And thank you all for the welcoming remarks.

#35240 Greetings from Northern California

Posted by hanryy on 09 June 2014 - 04:09 PM in Say Hello!



Gah!!! Glucinum is another name for Berrylium! It is a toxic metal. Make sure to wash your hands after touching it!!!! 

#35203 Greetings from Northern California

Posted by hanryy on 07 June 2014 - 06:10 AM in Say Hello!

Hello All,

My name is Hanry which is my Chinese name not an anglicized version. It comes from my ethnicity, which is Han, and my birthplace of Sweden in Chinese. An odd mix, but its true no matter how much you doubt it :P
I have been using fountain pens since middle school, but only recently discovered there was a large community of fountain pen users on the internet. I suppose it was nice to find out that I was not alone. My goto fountain pens back in the day were Duke and Hero fountains which I would buy during my trips to visit the family back in China. Good pens which I still use on occasion.
However as I have quickly learned a lot about fountain pens in the past two years my focus has switched to vintage fountain pens. Particularly I find myself attracted to Mabie Todd & Co pens. I have quite a few Swans which are excellent writers and even a TWSBI Vac 700 which I had modded to hold a no6 Swan nib. An amazing pen for nonpurists.
By training, I am a Materials Engineer. 20 years ago I would of been called a metallurgist. As such I find some technical aspects of fountain pens particularly interesting. I am not timid with attempting basic pen and nib repair. It really is a lot of fun, but there is still so much left to learn! Its nice to find a wealth of information on the internet so I'm not "winging it" as much as I used to. One topic that really interests me is the specific alloys used in flexible nibs and also the tempering recipes used to create the finest of nibs. I hope the dark arts have not been completely forgotten yet....But if they are maybe we can decipher them together ;) 
If anyone here is also interested in learning the specifics of old nibs of yesteryear drop me a message and maybe we can collaborate on some research into the subject. I do have quite the toolbox at my disposal...(electron microscopes and such)...
Nice to meet you all,