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There have been 2 items by ethernautrix (Search limited from 18-June 23)

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#42104 San Francisco Pen Show 2015

Posted by ethernautrix on 04 September 2015 - 11:30 PM in Pen Shows, Clubs, Associations, Books and Magazines.

I tried a little more than 80! (I contributed 16 -- but not all made the cut, pretty sure.) 

This show has a great vibe -- loved it!

#38393 Brandon Cifani (Brando090) is engaged in fraud

Posted by ethernautrix on 14 November 2014 - 09:03 PM in Elements of Collecting: Hunting, Valuing and Polemicizing

Hello! Thanks, David, for adding me.

I am grateful to the FP community here and elsewhere for having posted about Brandon Cifani. Do.char's questions and behavior tripped my intuition from the very beginning, so I felt vindicated when Google showed me the threads in three fp forums.


I hadn't joined this forum, as the focus is more on vintage pens and serious, technical discussions (this was my impression), 


The thread in (at?) fpn is still there. Wim even suggested a way to contact eBay from Poland. Here's the link: Brandon Is Back, which was begun a year ago September.


I haven't checked eBay today yet (I explained to Brandon that his reputation was well-known in the fp community, so he must surely understand why I would not do business with him). 

Anyway, my thanks to all who posted about this guy. You saved me some frustration and anger, I'm sure.