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#43949 Local Pen Clubs Listing

Posted by D. Wright on 16 May 2017 - 07:52 PM in Pen Shows, Clubs, Associations, Books and Magazines.

An opportunity for local pen clubs:


The purpose of the Pen Collectors of America is to promote interest in

and education about writing instruments and writing. Because the PCA

 believes that the activities of local pen clubs further this purpose we

 offer the opportunity for local groups to inform the readers of PCA media

 about their existence. The criteria for inclusion in the PCA listing of

 local pen clubs include the willingness of a member or members to be

 identified as the club’s contact, provision of the contact’s email

address for the listing, and that the club meet with some regularity. Website,

social media, and telephone information can also be included. Please send requests for

inclusion to:  communications@pencollectorsofamerica.com.


In addition, Laura Chandler, the new editor of the Pennant, the PCA’s print publication, would like to run a series of feature articles on local clubs and their activities.  If your club has an interesting meeting place, a unique focus, or other characteristic that would be of interest to the pen community, please consider contacting Laura at chandler.editor@gmail.com to discuss article possibilities, or submit a draft to the same address.