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There have been 3 items by delica (Search limited from 05-July 23)

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#16081 Candian weirdness...

Posted by delica on 11 July 2012 - 01:16 PM in PARKER: (USA "Big Five")

David, thank you for your information rich reply, it sets my mind at rest with regard to the Standard, which I neglected to mention either never had a date code or lost it to wear. I will put more energy into hunting down a replacement blind cap now.

The '51' date codes are entirely new to me, but then this is the delight of Vacumatics. So many variations. I have a English Duofold Demi with a .2. code, apparently from the year before they were released, so I was prepared for similar weirdness with the Vac, but the inversion of the quarter/year seems far more logical than a 1st gen from the fifties. Interesting that they should all be burgundy.


#16052 Candian weirdness...

Posted by delica on 10 July 2012 - 03:26 PM in PARKER: (USA "Big Five")

As a UK resident, all my vacs are Canadian. I am aware Canada did things ... their own way. But I have recently come into possession of a pair of vacs which confuse me more than usual. First, a lockdown Standard in emerald pearl with a matching laminated section. The pen has a (delightfully flexible) Canadian nib and an accompanying imprint on the body, yet I was under the impression that the laminated sections were unique to US pens. The colour matches well, but is this a frankenpen? I'm not too bothered as it has other issues and makes a very pretty user.

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Secondly, a burgundy Oversize. With a datecode of 51. I don't even know what to make of that. Has the one got on the wrong side of the five, making this a 1st quarter 1935 pen?

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Both pens have odd blind caps. The Oversize has a correct short blindcap, but without metal threads. Instead the threads are cut into the celluloid. The Standard has a Major blind cap that has been cut down, and though the colour doesn't match, I am impressed with the fit.

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My primary reason for posting is curiosity, especially with regard to the 51 datecode. However, should anyone have a lonely 1st gen standard blindcap in emerald they wish to sell ... :P


#15902 ID on this slender vac

Posted by delica on 04 July 2012 - 03:45 PM in PARKER: (USA "Big Five")

Should it not have a lockdown filler and therefore short blind cap? /guess