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There have been 6 items by Sam C (Search limited from 03-June 23)

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#10601 Doric Storm in Garnet. When it rains it pours.

Posted by Sam C on 26 November 2011 - 06:40 AM in WAHL, WATERMAN and CONKLIN (USA "Big Five")

Love the Oversize doric line -- did Wahl make a Garnet in that size?
What was the color of the pen called that you said was your "reward" pick after organizing an estate lot?
Have you posted a pic of the Wahl hoard you had in Columbus for show & tell? I bet there are plenty of folk who would enjoy that subset of Wahls - and I would'nt mind another peak.
Enjoying "the show" - would love to aquire the skills to capture the goods in the wilde; someday perhaps I'll get bold enough to give it a whirl
Sam C.

#10599 Sheaffer in Australia

Posted by Sam C on 26 November 2011 - 06:10 AM in SHEAFFER (USA "Big Five")

Great info on the Aussie action, Hugh!
I like to cbeck out the Sheaffers on the Melbourne pen site and appreciate the variety of PFM displayed.
One comment made on that site is that the administrator has never seen an Aussie grey PFM mated to an Aussie 14k inlaid nib. I find that unusual- --
do you or other Sheaffer fans have any info on the aussie pfm production irregularities??
Just Curious,
Sam C.

#10596 Vacumania's new Pen Room: Storing Pen Stuff.

Posted by Sam C on 26 November 2011 - 05:23 AM in Elements of Collecting: Hunting, Valuing and Polemicizing

Wow David
Some of these posts - like this and the one where the old sheaffer overlay one-ups-manship gets dusplayed --
Makes me wonder what kind of pile they might find me under some day.
I will keep in mind some of the storage ideas for later.
Sam C

#10595 New from Northeast PA

Posted by Sam C on 26 November 2011 - 04:16 AM in Say Hello!

In this day and age I may be the last dinosaur to to admit that they never previously participated in ANY sort of network board. I think I looked up an associate once using "linked in" when other search methods failed - but I would hardly say that counts.
I may have been missing out on some great interaction- its amazing how the world gets smaller in this setting!
Well, I'm going to get off this thread and take a bite of the "meat and potatoes" of this board ( perhaps not the best analogy given the recent holliday of excess -at least here in the states).
Thanks to ALL for such a warm welcome!

#10584 New from Northeast PA

Posted by Sam C on 25 November 2011 - 05:08 PM in Say Hello!

Thanks for encouragement, Hugh!
I have scanned David's vac site enough to be thoroughly convinced that mastery of even basic nomenclature would be a challenge. For now, I will try to stick to Oversized since the Black one I have suites my hand well. Eventually, I would like to get a silver set in Oversize- but it was not high enough on my priorty list to make the budget this year. I did splurge for a "user grade" Mandarin senior set (1925 I think?) at the Ohio show. As much as I love Parker products, I am attempting to avoid more than a representative sampling until I at least get my Oversized Balance group as full as I'd like it. Not that I'm going for a full array even there - just a pen of each color {not trying for all the clip / trim / filling mechanism permutations --at least NOT YET}.
As of now, my broadest goal is to obtain a set of Pelikan products that would form a sort of time line showing the evolution to the 1980's modern era M800s. Do not plan to be comprehensive, there are whole lines of there product in which I have NO interest at all.

GREAT ADVICE that learning cheaper than buying - and no doubt will improve the quality and future resale as David pointed out to me on some pens in OHIO. Not that I ever see myself as even a minor vendor - but like most, I would like to make the most out of trades or sales if upgrading or phasing out a segment of the pack.
Guess I hang on and enjoy the ride
Sam C.

#10581 New from Northeast PA

Posted by Sam C on 25 November 2011 - 07:14 AM in Say Hello!

Hello All:
I am another newbie recruited to join from the Columbus meeting. Just started using fountain pens about 4 years ago and I guess I finally broke down and decided I'm transitioning from a user to building a small collection about a year ago. The outpouring of friendly advise and fellowship in Ohio convinced me I should get out more and meet some of the great folks involved in this hobby. My only prior shows were DC '09 and a half day in Boston '10. So my primary exposure to the good people of pendom was the handful of retailers I had met via a show and/or internet. Columbus was my first chance to take a few days and enjoy the more comprehensive pen culture. One great aspect of the show was connecting a face to some folk who were mainly know via internet or Email.
So far my primary pen interests are Pelikan, Oversized Balance, Omas, Wahl, and Oversized Vacumatic. There are so many fantastic pens out there - its tough for me to limit myself too much -- so occasionally I will pick up other brands or even "no-names" that have a great nib or interesting celluloid.
I will likely be more of a sponge on the board - observing and soaking up the wealth of information dripping off the pages. I may warm up to some other posts once I get a sense of how this Board works. Being a lousy typer is a serious handicap - at least if I take the time to ask a question you will know I'm seriously interested.
Thanks in advance to all the pros out there {especially David} who selflessly make this service available to the pen community.
Looking forward to learning and meeting some of you as I grow into this hobby!
Sam C.