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There have been 4 items by Jack in Colo (Search limited from 26-September 23)

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#6399 Twist-fill WASP Vacuum-fil Screamer

Posted by Jack in Colo on 13 June 2011 - 04:21 AM in SHEAFFER (USA "Big Five")

I'm reluctant to post this among such distinguished practitioners and elegant pens, but this 5in WASP twist fil was new to me; perhaps it will be of some interest to those who are interested in such other-tier pens. When the pen arrived from ebay to add to my accumulation of WASPS (not to be confused with Dr I's hoard), I was first curious about the end cap, but after disassembling the pen, I realized that what was labelled a vacuum-fil was a twist filler.CIMG0003.JPG

Replacing the sac required cutting a size 20 to length and attaching it to the transparent end cap.CIMG0004.JPG

To stretch the sac far enough to fit the section, I used a forceps clampCIMG0007.JPG

And the impressed dots on both barrel and section (highlighted with chalk) needed to line up.CIMG0012.JPG

Happily it all worked, the pen drinks ink, and writes with a slightly flexible medium line.

I have no idea how uncommon a WASP Screamer twist Vacuum-fil is, but I'm delighted it now has an appreciative home.


#4358 A strange first year Parco

Posted by Jack in Colo on 31 January 2011 - 12:18 AM in PARKER: (USA "Big Five")

Thanks, David. Your suggestion that the pen has the potential for use as a desk pen makes much sense. BTW, I relished your article in Stylus; it's satisfying to see other people with an interest in the less-than-first tier pens of the 30's. They often seem more interesting and diverse than the standard lines and they remain reasonably affordable. Thanks again for your thoughtful, illustrated response. Jack

#4349 A strange first year Parco

Posted by Jack in Colo on 30 January 2011 - 06:20 AM in PARKER: (USA "Big Five")

I came across this 1932 Parco and expected that with all its cap rings and no apparent damage that it would join the small herd (not so small but not as large as David Isaacson's) of Parker sub-brands. The first photo shows it capped. [attachment=204:CIMG0008.JPG]
The second photo The Surprise: a blind cap.[attachment=205:CIMG0003.JPG]
And the third, another surprise: An undrilled end apparently intended for a vac-fil. [attachment=206:CIMG0007.JPG]

So what we have is a clip with the flat plate and two stepped chevrons marking a first year lever-filled Parco and the two rings each at cap top and lip. Tapered cap top end. Rounded bottom end of a later Writefine but with the bottom blindcap like the 1934 Challenger. And the stub for the blind cap not perforated. All this suggests to me an end of the year parts round-up. Anybody else seen one like this or have any other explanations? Thanks, Jack

#10416 Parkette Deluxe ring top

Posted by Jack in Colo on 18 November 2011 - 01:18 AM in PARKER: (USA "Big Five")

At the Ohio show I picked up a Parkette Deluxe Burgundy slender pen with a ring top. No date code but its like those listed in the 1937 catalog: white band at the top, three golden cap rings, two -tone 14k Parkette nib. My question: How anomalous is it? No ring tops appear for Parkette in the 32,34,36,or 37 catalogs. Thanks, Jack