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There have been 715 items by brando090 (Search limited from 29-June 23)

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#16679 Parker Duofold Book

Posted by brando090 on 11 August 2012 - 02:37 AM in Pen Shows, Clubs, Associations, Books and Magazines.

This place has got everything Posted Image


#18384 Ebonized Pearl WASP

Posted by brando090 on 28 September 2012 - 10:35 PM in SHEAFFER (USA "Big Five")

Great pencil - in my experience a WASP in ebonized pearl is very difficult to find, and even less common in a pencil. I'll be interested in the experience of others.


In most instances, pencils for me are casual afterthought. I don't object to sets, and in couple cases actively seek/have sought pencils (my OS Flamingo Deco Band Wahl, Vacumatic Imperial Coronet, and so forth), but generally if pencils turn up... fine. If not... fine.

But, I have been fond of the WASP (Sheaffer 1930's Sub-Brand) pens done in high-line Balance's Ebonized Pearl plastic. I've owned perhaps three pens total (all OS), and while I have not polled the Great Collections for counts, in my casual persuit (ebay, pen shows, etc) doubt I've seen even ten total in a decade or more of browsing. My guess is I've handled perhaps two of the pencils, one of which I kept to make a set.

We did have a brief thread about this pen/pattern year or so back

King of the WASP's thread: http://fountainpenbo...g-of-the-wasps/

Interesting challenge for cachet stratification. On one hand, some WASPs (and other similar sub-brand pens) garner added cachet for their non-Balance plastic as well as scarcity of course. A Screamer pattern WASP Vacuum-Fil pen carries more cachet today than an early pen in plain black or mottled Marine Green. But, the Ebonized Pearl WASPs somewhat paradoxically carry added value for sharing a Balance plastic, perhaps the most beautiful Balance plastic, as well as for being scarce.

Too, unlike Black, Marine Green, "Screamer", "Circuit Board", I am not aware of any Sheaffer documentation for Ebonized Pearl WASPs.

Here is the set from my personal collection.

Posted Image



Ohh my heaven, that is one of the nicest Ebonized Pearl pens ive ever seen Posted Image Posted Image Posted Image

Most balance ive seen are mostly discolored, but looking at this Wasp makes me think that Wasp's are always mint (which i know isn't true). That's a really nice pen!

Is the Wasp of high significance than an oversize balance?

#16681 Parker Duofold Book

Posted by brando090 on 11 August 2012 - 03:59 AM in Pen Shows, Clubs, Associations, Books and Magazines.

This place has got everything Posted Image


I contacted them 2 days ago, waiting to hear from them, if they have it in stock and if they will ship to the US, was hopeing to find one in the U.S.

That's the only place that would have any, unless you have someone who doesn't need his and is selling his. The only other place would be ebay, but none are on their, but this guy is selling his for $200 Posted Image Posted Image


#15380 Howdy from Texas ...

Posted by brando090 on 14 June 2012 - 04:21 AM in Say Hello!

Actually my passion has been of late to nice juicy flex pens ... I have acquired a few Mabie Todd and a couple of Eversharp's and have no clue what brand I should be focusing on ... Any help would be appreciated ....



Welcome Scott!

If your looking for flex, the most well regarded brand would be Waterman. Im not sure if you have a budget, but a nice BCHR pen should cost less than $100 restored, and at least $400 if you want an overlay pen which would be restored. There are many exceptions to brand with flex, but Waterman's are generally found with semi/flex nibs. Also if your looking for a few path, what type of filling mechanism do you like? Lever, piston, button, sleeve,etc.

#17829 Caught in the wilds of central Missouri this afternoon

Posted by brando090 on 14 September 2012 - 12:45 AM in Post Your Pen Finds

Looking to sell? Posted Image

#17162 ebay watch. Excellent Sheaffer Ebonized Pearl Balance set.

Posted by brando090 on 25 August 2012 - 07:13 PM in Elements of Collecting: Hunting, Valuing and Polemicizing

Thats really too bad, ive been looking for a Sheaffer like this, not sure if the oversized model is for me, but that huge chunk is missing.

#17619 Parker Click Filler?

Posted by brando090 on 07 September 2012 - 09:55 PM in Post Your Pen Finds

Does it say Parker not only on the nib, but the barrel? It's an early (pre. 1913) Parker 25. Nice find!

Sorry for the blurrypic, but this is my unrestored example. It is a Parker 23 with the click filler.
I'm unsure what sizes they came in so perhaps John could comment on if they did come in the full range of Parker 20, 23, 24 and 25 (heaven forbid the 28). The filling system is quite interesting, and at least the pen will not roll off a desk. Although I would prefer a hexagonal body instead. A standard sac should be sufficient for the filler restoration, so conversion to an ED would/should be recommended against.

Why do you say Parker 23? (Just retracing my steps). Is it marked 23 in the back?

Your assumption that all click fillers are 25s is incorrect. The 2x series came in a number of different styles and filling formats. There were EDs, click fillers, button fillers, bakelite EDs, slip caps, JKS caps and several that I'm positive I'm missing. Regardless, they are a fascinating series to hunt for.

The photo below demonstrates some of the differences:
4x giants
a bakelite 23 with a vanishing clip (a vanished vanishing clip?)
a 23 click filler with a slip cap
a 23 ED with a screw cap
a 24 1/2 with a slip cap and solid 14k bands
a 24 button filler with screw cap
a 25 button filler with an early blind cap and slip cap
a 25 ED with slip cap
a 25 button filler with screw cap
a 25 1/2 button filler with screw cap

The variety is almost endless.
I really should restore these poor pens.

Posted Image

Nice pens, thought badly damaged i dont know much about Parker pens, and with your knowledge on the pens, i take your word that they are such nice pens.

#20274 What Parker pencil do i have?

Posted by brando090 on 10 November 2012 - 07:04 PM in PARKER: (USA "Big Five")

I think you cropped the photo a bit too much.

Posted Image

Posted Image

#20282 What Parker pencil do i have?

Posted by brando090 on 11 November 2012 - 12:27 AM in PARKER: (USA "Big Five")

That's a nose-drive Writefine pencil usually found paired w/ a Jotter in a Pardners set until the early 60's. You can find older ones w/ a ridge clip, too. Parker 45 pencils are middle joint, longer, and have a washer clip held on w/ a metal jewel. Note this pencil has a one piece clip/jewel. The Writefine can be also be found as a flighter, Custom (GP cap), Imperial (GP cap and barrel) and I've also got a flighter middle joint short version.

Thank you very much! Didn't know of such a name from Parker, but now i know.

#15732 Heath Overlay's: Parker and Edward Todd & Co?

Posted by brando090 on 28 June 2012 - 08:34 PM in PARKER: (USA "Big Five")


This was the pen i was looking at. Im not bidding any more, but i must say, this screams early Parker overlay to me. I know the nib says Edward Todd & Co, but it's not uncommon for the nibs to be replaced. Is this just a great looking overlay pen, or is it in fact a Heath overlay, or Parker pen?


#15723 Heath Overlay's: Parker and Edward Todd & Co?

Posted by brando090 on 28 June 2012 - 05:27 PM in PARKER: (USA "Big Five")

I found a Edward Todd & Co. ringtop, that i must say looks like the same overlay as a Parker Lucky Curve. Did the overlay company also make overlay's for Edward Todd & Co. who made the one's for Parker?

#25282 Value of original Waterman's catalog

Posted by brando090 on 17 May 2013 - 03:32 AM in Elements of Collecting: Hunting, Valuing and Polemicizing

Though i don't collect or hunt ephemera, I have been recently interested in original Waterman catalogs. Ephemera is one of those things, which I've been told, are hard to price no matter the company it is associated with. I recently had the fortune to be talking with a well established Waterman collector who said he has spent in upwards of $7,000 for just one Waterman original catalog, though I'm unsure of the details.

#17889 Hi Everyone

Posted by brando090 on 15 September 2012 - 09:18 PM in Say Hello!

I’m only 47-- I say “only” because I left another html board for pens & opted for this one because... Maybe-- for the first time-- I’m encountering a generation gap.

Can't let you off the hook - I just turned 59. You'll have to go back to the "young people's" board.


It's a small population here, and not so chatty, which is why you haven't been inundated with "Hi!!!" msgs. But it sounds perfect for your needs, so welcome. The guys around here that know their stuff are very open about sharing that knowledge. Enjoy.


Back to 40 something board I go! Then to folks <40's... "Ah... I remember when I was your age..." <roll eyes>

About chatty though, have to admit I go straight to forum, post my question (or may comment) & bye bye!

Never a word of welcome to others & maybe that's a bit selfish of me, so thanks for encouragement & kind reply.

Hopefully we aren't too serious though. Silly sidebar:

As Newbie, will be form welcome committee & pad post total with insightful replies like "Welcome aboard!"


lol sorry Jon I couldn't resist.

For chatty foofery you can go 'there' for serious pen information and history people come here. I'm new to the board too and this place keeps blowing my socks off with the depth of knowledge.

Agree with blown socks.

Question though.

Are we allowed to actually mention sites or names? Have feeling people know what 2 sites mentioned, but easier to just type XYZ board or A&B site rather than having to dance around actual names.

Oh & thanks for reply too.

Hi!!! <Insert emoticons here>


Im 16, so it's really a generation gap. Anyway i like your Waterman overlay's, take a look at the "What are your Jewels" and post your respectable collection there.

Generation gap, maturity, or just different interests? Thought provoking. You strike me as someone who might be far more level headed & mature than people I know who are my age!

Anyway, thanks for compliment about pen gallery. Am glad at least one person had a gander that them!

With so many heavy hitters here, get the feeling it's like:

"That's nice you have a couple of overlay pens Bruce. And they are of interest to us because?"

Anyway, all the best!


Ive been told i do act older than i appear, and personally i take it as a complement, but i do reminisce of the past and how easy and a joy it is for little kids. For instance, in Michigan the cider mills are just opening up, and as you get older the reason to go or not is if you really need the "calories" from the donuts. But as a kid, it used to be such a great family trip and you'd get to play around on the hay and see all these animals and sit down for some cider and doughnuts. But, those days are gone, and i guess ill only get them back when i have my own kids.

Dont worry about the heavy hitters to much, stick around and before you'll know it people will be saying the same thing about you! Ive only been around for ~3 years, and im still continuing to learn.

#20340 What the heck is wrong with this pen?

Posted by brando090 on 14 November 2012 - 12:12 AM in WAHL, WATERMAN and CONKLIN (USA "Big Five")

This is one weird frankenpen, i have no idea where to begin.... Supposedly its a 452 (has number on back), but the cap says Selfink, and has some (replaced cap) damage around the clip. The overlay is damaged, and looks rusted, as if it was silver fill or something. What's going on with the pen?


#20345 What the heck is wrong with this pen?

Posted by brando090 on 14 November 2012 - 12:56 AM in WAHL, WATERMAN and CONKLIN (USA "Big Five")

Looks like naybe glue--see the blob above the clip? Plating is horrible and coming off in spots. The nib, if there was a better picture of it, might be it's redeeming factor.

It should be sterling, not plated. Im getting a feeling the overlay may not be Waterman, seeing that it looks filled. The seller stated the overlay says Waterman.


Posted by brando090 on 18 August 2012 - 08:22 PM in SHEAFFER (USA "Big Five")

Looks deliberate as if someone set out to copy a Waterman 100 year pen by adding clear bits of plastic to the ends.

x2, that's exactly what i was thinking.

#16023 The Skinny on Skinning:

Posted by brando090 on 09 July 2012 - 02:26 AM in Greetings + Latest News


I figured that, and i learned to change it at the bottom. What my original post was, was about the above skins... stone, club, blue steel,etc.

#16020 The Skinny on Skinning:

Posted by brando090 on 09 July 2012 - 01:17 AM in Greetings + Latest News

What do you mean? Are these skins still available, though that post is from last year?

#16018 The Skinny on Skinning:

Posted by brando090 on 09 July 2012 - 01:02 AM in Greetings + Latest News

What happen to these?

#16181 Pelikan Silver Pens

Posted by brando090 on 15 July 2012 - 08:09 PM in OTHER EUROPEAN and ASIAN PENS

Ohhhh noooo, why did you polish them Posted Image Posted Image

#16187 Pelikan Silver Pens

Posted by brando090 on 15 July 2012 - 09:26 PM in OTHER EUROPEAN and ASIAN PENS

Posted Image

You prefer what you'd like to do with silver, and i dont care what you do with it. Buy silver will only be aged once, never again will it be the patina it once was.

#17182 Parker True Blue

Posted by brando090 on 26 August 2012 - 06:13 PM in Post Your Pen Finds

Wow! That actually looks close to NOS since the endcap looks like fresh ebonite (or plastic) and the color is as good as it gets. I think this is more of a preservation pen, more so than a work horse pen. I wouldn't write with it, as you'll be using it in light and the color will go darker.

#16744 Milestone for FPB.....

Posted by brando090 on 13 August 2012 - 09:33 PM in Greetings + Latest News

What is it? 10,000 site members?

#16476 Bargain Pen Storage. Hamilton Cabinet on ebay...

Posted by brando090 on 02 August 2012 - 04:14 PM in Elements of Collecting: Hunting, Valuing and Polemicizing

Hamilton's are great, but i needed something smaller. After alot of research on design's, i found a Hamilton that would be perfect, but was overprices IMO. Id buy it, if that took the 1 and 6 away, and exchanged the 6 for a 2. So, id been eyeing this case for a while, and i finally had it sent off to BamaPen's to work his magic.

#17237 overlay safety repair

Posted by brando090 on 28 August 2012 - 04:50 PM in R & R: (Repair and Restoration)

Do you have a picture showing this Waterman safety with some sort of seam...