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There have been 6 items by penpalace (Search limited from 06-June 23)

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#43697 The Eclipse Thread

Posted by penpalace on 13 October 2016 - 02:08 PM in USA "Other": Bexley; Cross; Esterbrook; Carter, Chilton, Moore, Leboeuf, Dunn, Triad, etc.

Nice Eclipses Ariel, as you know being from Toronto they do turn up from time to time. I'm personally quite partial to their Monroe pens.



#42911 Pens of 2015

Posted by penpalace on 25 January 2016 - 10:59 PM in Post Your Pen Finds

I suppose it's about time I post my pens of 2015, I promised Brian I would today!
There was a theme for 2015, Grieshabers & Hard Rubber. I collect larger Grieshaber pens, and the vast majority of my collection consists of pens from the 1920's through 1940's. I was able to add a few examples this year, all with large #8 Grieshaber or Sager nibs. I also added a couple of gorgeous Moore Safety pens and a Snapfil pen marked General Manufacturing. Not a huge group from 2015 but some pens that just don't come up too often.


#42913 Pens of 2015

Posted by penpalace on 26 January 2016 - 08:08 PM in Post Your Pen Finds

Thanks Brian. The pen is called a Moore Banker, from what I can tell this is the largest size they made it in a #6 size. Interestingly enough it is not a thumb filler, you place your thumb in the slot while screwing on and off the cap to help protect the nib from otherwise potentially being damaged.

#43779 Some recent 1920s acquisitions and later...

Posted by penpalace on 22 December 2016 - 04:10 PM in Post Your Pen Finds

Capitol was an Aikin Lambert brand. You can see the pen takes its direct styling from a Waterman 52

#43814 Parker 51 pencil

Posted by penpalace on 17 January 2017 - 03:38 AM in PARKER: (USA "Big Five")

LL is normally a marking for Parker's liquid lead pencils. The pencil is right except for the earlier cap which I would think is a replacement.

#43696 Parker 28 1/2 Jack Knife Safety

Posted by penpalace on 13 October 2016 - 02:04 PM in PARKER: (USA "Big Five")

For those of you who know me well enough I don't often get into early Parker pens but over the last few years I have been lucky to find a few nice examples. I recently came into a Parker 28 1/2 Jack Knife Safety but unfortunately it is missing its nib and feed. Does anyone have any idea what I might expect to pay for a #8 nib and feed? What do you think the going rate would be for a complete pen? I can only find very old sales results and while I wouldn't expect it to command what a Black Giant would bring it does seem strange to me that it appears to be far less common then one.

