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There have been 16 items by mstrpete (Search limited from 25-September 23)

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#19464 Southpaw with a Fountain Pen!

Posted by mstrpete on 15 October 2012 - 06:57 AM in Miscellanea: Ink, Paper, Calligraphy, Journals, Storage, Turning, etc

That's all right. Can I hit you up for repair tips, though?

#19413 Hello from Washington State

Posted by mstrpete on 14 October 2012 - 04:52 AM in Say Hello!


You will find the folks here on the Fountain Pen Board really great, knowledgable and super friendly!

Greg Minuskin

Thanks! I'm looking forward to some good times.

#19412 Southpaw with a Fountain Pen!

Posted by mstrpete on 14 October 2012 - 04:46 AM in Miscellanea: Ink, Paper, Calligraphy, Journals, Storage, Turning, etc

Guess what? I am left handed too!

Greg Minuskin

Hooray! Lefties unite! I have heard that all people are born right-handed, but only the truly brilliant are able to overcome it :D
Do you have any special penmanship tricks?

#19411 Southpaw with a Fountain Pen!

Posted by mstrpete on 14 October 2012 - 04:45 AM in Miscellanea: Ink, Paper, Calligraphy, Journals, Storage, Turning, etc


The first is a general book but has a couple of helpful pages with ideas for left-handed writers. Excellent coverage of the basic use of the pen. Bear in mind it is out of print, but seems to be quite a few copies available (for used books I always go to www.abebooks.com) - "The Italic Way to Beautiful Handwriting - Cursive and Calligraphic" by Fred Eager.

The other book I purchased last year at the LA Pen show from the nibs.com people (John Mottishaw, et al) and is pretty specific: "Left Handed Calligraphy" by Vance Studley.

Hopefully one or both of those would give you some good advice on general principles. Not that everyone needs to be a flawless Spencerian calligrapher, but it is helpful to see the differing approaches to left-handed fountain pen use. Not impossible, just takes some adjustment.

Thanks for the titles, Jon!

#19333 Southpaw with a Fountain Pen!

Posted by mstrpete on 12 October 2012 - 07:03 PM in Miscellanea: Ink, Paper, Calligraphy, Journals, Storage, Turning, etc

sure! I could use some help for my oldest son, who is a lefty too and could use a bit of help with his penmanship.

#19295 Southpaw with a Fountain Pen!

Posted by mstrpete on 12 October 2012 - 04:02 AM in Miscellanea: Ink, Paper, Calligraphy, Journals, Storage, Turning, etc

Hello all,
Being left-handed, I approached the idea of using a fountain pen with some trepidation and must admit to some early smudging. However, I've been able to overcome that issue by back-slanting my writing so my hand is below the written line. A fringe benefit of this tactic has been improved readability; another has been actual compliments on my script! I wish I'd known to do this ages ago. Any other lefty writers out there, and how do you manage to stay tidy?

#19263 Newbie R & R Question-Parker '21'

Posted by mstrpete on 11 October 2012 - 10:37 PM in R & R: (Repair and Restoration)

Oh, and "Save as JPEG" is good advice too. Thanks.

#19262 Newbie R & R Question-Parker '21'

Posted by mstrpete on 11 October 2012 - 10:36 PM in R & R: (Repair and Restoration)

So, no harm if I play with it then. I don't have much into it now (got it and an orange "45" for $6), so I can consider this one a learner/donor pen. Good to know!

#19233 Hello from Washington State

Posted by mstrpete on 11 October 2012 - 04:49 PM in Say Hello!

We need hobbies to stay somewhat sane, don't we? I'm also into old bicycles, which take up a wee bit more room.

#19232 Newbie R & R Question-Parker '21'

Posted by mstrpete on 11 October 2012 - 04:46 PM in R & R: (Repair and Restoration)

Sorry, I can't seem to figure out how to resize the image.

#19231 Newbie R & R Question-Parker '21'

Posted by mstrpete on 11 October 2012 - 04:41 PM in R & R: (Repair and Restoration)

I'll try those things. Thanks.
Wow, that was huge.

#19229 Newbie R & R Question-Parker '21'

Posted by mstrpete on 11 October 2012 - 04:31 PM in R & R: (Repair and Restoration)

I recently acquired a Parker "21" which, while it fills and writes well, has a couple of issues. The clip is broken off, and the upper barrel is cracked at the threads. So, how hard is it to find and replace the clip, or should I look for a new cap? Also, how should I go about fixing the cracked upper barrel? I thought of pushing a tight-fitting aluminum sleeve over it. There's old cellophane tae on it now, which is just barely holding. The photo I have of it is too big to attach here, so I'll put one in the Gallery.


#19199 Hello from Washington State

Posted by mstrpete on 11 October 2012 - 03:47 AM in Say Hello!

Welcome. So where in our wonderful state are you?


Tim, I'm in Pullman, biding my time while dear wife is grinding her way through grad school. And you're a bit north of me, I see.

#19042 Fountain Pen Storange

Posted by mstrpete on 10 October 2012 - 03:41 PM in Elements of Collecting: Hunting, Valuing and Polemicizing

WOW. Considering that my "collection" resides comfortably in an eyeglasses case, I am well and truly impressed and inspired.

#19040 Hello from Washington State

Posted by mstrpete on 10 October 2012 - 03:34 PM in Say Hello!

I'm probably the least knowledgeable pen guy on the board...

Second-least knowledgable, now. Thanks!

#19022 Hello from Washington State

Posted by mstrpete on 10 October 2012 - 06:00 AM in Say Hello!

Hello everyone,

I'm a small-scale collector, but a huge fan, of vintage fountain pens. Currently have a black Parker 45 with steel cap and gold trim; a Waterman Phineas of uncertain age but stellar condition; and a newly-acquired Parker 21, burgundy body, missing the clip from the cap. Oh, and I found another 45 for my oldest son, so he's in the club too. I look forward to some good conversation, information, and photos of course! !