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There have been 31 items by cedargirl (Search limited from 04-July 23)

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#24810 51 vacumatic UK

Posted by cedargirl on 07 May 2013 - 04:33 AM in PARKER: (USA "Big Five")

WES might still be a good idea, I believe they are about to launch a webcast class for its overseas members. Drop Ian Williamson at Cathedral Pens an email, he can provide full details.

Yep the Summit site is my effort (when I have time to keep it up to date). The S.175 is a good quality pen (but the black ones are rather conservative)


And what's wrong with black?? (mock indignation!) I'm rather found of it - it's my only chased BHR pen. I quite like the quiet elegance of a decent black pen and this one has a nice flexy nib. Not that I can write with flex, but I like the springiness of a soft nib when writing.

Re WES - Brilliant. I'll certainly contact Ian. Thank you.

Thanks for the Summit website. I am truly grateful to anyone who takes the time to maintain such a useful resource.

#27293 Why should I want waterproof ink?

Posted by cedargirl on 27 July 2013 - 10:55 AM in Miscellanea: Ink, Paper, Calligraphy, Journals, Storage, Turning, etc

I don't need all my ink to be waterproof. I do like to address envelopes and sign cheques with waterproof ink, so I do make sure I always have at least one bottle available.
It is a need for those people who use it in pen and wash sketching.

I am as baffled as you with the "unfortunately it's not waterproof so it won't make it into my collection" line that I read quite often.

#23946 Learning my lesson about modern pens

Posted by cedargirl on 25 April 2013 - 06:30 AM in MODERN PENS. Yes... really.

Some people just like to post their pens - for those people the extra weight is a problem.
There are probably just as many reasons why people post as reasons why not to post. I'ts personal preference.
(I prefer not to.)

#25929 Take the Quiz

Posted by cedargirl on 04 June 2013 - 07:24 AM in What's New in Your Life

Another: Is "route 1" pronounced "root 1", like the root of a tree, or "rout 1", as in "Washington routed Denver in Super Bowl 22".

Wow. That's interesting. I thought all Americans said "rout" not "root". Seems some of you speak English after all ... [runs for cover!]

#26171 pictures of vintage Montblanc pens

Posted by cedargirl on 11 June 2013 - 10:56 PM in OTHER EUROPEAN and ASIAN PENS

Wow - wow - and wow! ... Pen heaven.

#27065 They're at it again over at the FPN..

Posted by cedargirl on 14 July 2013 - 11:55 PM in Elements of Collecting: Hunting, Valuing and Polemicizing

I think I have reached a happy medium with FPN. I do visit - there is a lot of good info there.
I do post occasionally, but mostly view.
But here is where I draw the line - I do not visit their classifieds any more. I will not buy from FPN. So if they want to sell to me (hey, of course they do!), they better list elsewhere.