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79spitfire's Content

There have been 4 items by 79spitfire (Search limited from 04-June 23)

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#24629 They're at it again over at the FPN..

Posted by 79spitfire on 04 May 2013 - 07:34 PM in Elements of Collecting: Hunting, Valuing and Polemicizing

I doubt seriously that Noodler's provides financial support for any forum directly. While interest in Noodler's products is provided by 'word of mouth' (forum posts mostly) I don't think he has the margins to provide half the funding for a board that claims to take $12K a year to operate.

#23937 Ebay Watch: $800 Vacumatic.

Posted by 79spitfire on 25 April 2013 - 02:23 AM in Elements of Collecting: Hunting, Valuing and Polemicizing

WOW, can I have some of what this guy is smoking?

Semi restored WTH is that ? Wouldn't that be like being 'Semi Pregnant?'

#23560 Lucky Find That Almost Wasn't

Posted by 79spitfire on 13 April 2013 - 03:51 AM in Post Your Pen Finds

That's a pretty stellar score! A Plum 51, a Duofold Stub, and a Pansy overlay 7x Waterman.

I'm pretty sure you could ask for blood for any of those and likely get it! (in any type or quantity!)

#23496 They're at it again over at the FPN..

Posted by 79spitfire on 11 April 2013 - 02:19 AM in Elements of Collecting: Hunting, Valuing and Polemicizing
