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There have been 44 items by Saleem ali (Search limited from 05-June 23)

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#33738 Hi from South Louisiana

Posted by Saleem ali on 28 February 2014 - 06:32 PM in Say Hello!

Welcome Phil ,  sincerely hope that you  easily get back to  your collecting /hunting

#33418 LA 2014 Pen Show Report

Posted by Saleem ali on 18 February 2014 - 06:07 PM in Pen Shows, Clubs, Associations, Books and Magazines.

A very nice presentation of event by pictures ,  making me enjoy the pen -show at home !  thank you  and Congrats AlectGreen !

#33259 Learning my lesson about modern pens

Posted by Saleem ali on 12 February 2014 - 04:27 PM in MODERN PENS. Yes... really.

First of all ,it is very hard to be very dogmatic to label a pen vintage or modren .( kindly see my earlier posts in discussion of "what is considerd modern" ?)  .A very important consideration for love of  vintage pens is our association with past , to most of us as we grow older and older , past attraction enhances day by day . And  our vintage pens remind us  some very " good old " days  we have had in the past.  I hiighly appreciate  the past craftsmans for their adorable work , without much sophisticated tchnologies they produced pens of lasting intrest and appeal. But , so-called modern pens cannot be outrightly rejected  as our friend Christof z tempts ! Many modern pens are also lovely writers and collectible . One thing which bothers me is over-sizing trend of pen-makers  , which some manufactures are probably exploiting ,so that you have very over-size pens which at times donot suit users personlaity or writing style .Last , but not the least, warranty periods of modern pen-makers is very short , "limited  02 years warranty " , on a very expensive pen should not justify.

#33258 Hello

Posted by Saleem ali on 12 February 2014 - 03:49 PM in Say Hello!

welcome Mr. Charles , nice to know about you !

#33216 Hello from Finland!

Posted by Saleem ali on 11 February 2014 - 03:45 PM in Say Hello!

Welcome !

#33127 Greetings from Denmark

Posted by Saleem ali on 08 February 2014 - 05:20 PM in Say Hello!

Welcome , you seem to have lot of information which must be very helpful !

#33105 New Collector Representing Sacramento California

Posted by Saleem ali on 06 February 2014 - 06:28 PM in Say Hello!

Welcome Ray , The Fp world is amazing !

#33059 2014 New Year's Resolutions of a pen variety

Posted by Saleem ali on 03 February 2014 - 02:08 PM in Elements of Collecting: Hunting, Valuing and Polemicizing

I cant say when I would stop buying pens, but I am thinking  that we should give the "surplus" pens to some brilliant students , who cant afford to have it , and who will be pleased to have them . I have given away few pens in this way .It is better than selling .

#32969 My Parker Patrician pens

Posted by Saleem ali on 29 January 2014 - 07:01 PM in PARKER: (USA "Big Five")

making me speechless !

#32878 Just what is considered modern?

Posted by Saleem ali on 27 January 2014 - 04:53 PM in MODERN PENS. Yes... really.

Coming back again to the definition of Vintage, I have searched the various definitions by collectors and lexicographists.First ,as David I  quoted , : "A vintage pen must be older than me ". David Nishumara says , "For most part , collectors define vintage pens as those made before c.1965 " . Many ,like Wahl , believe that the " golden "era of pens ended around 1950.

Some of various authetic dictionaries of english  give definitions of vintage as , for example :Oxford , "The time that something of quality was produced ". Macmillan , "a vintage object or vehicle old but is kept in good condition  because it is interesting or attractive".Cambridge ,  "of high quality and lasting value or showing best and typical characterestics of particular of thing from the past".   Collins ," representative of best and most typical ,of lasting intrerest "

 Now , by carefully analysing  the literature ,and thinking , I conclude , " A vintage pen is  a representative of a time past ,showing all characteristics (or features)  of designing , innovations of material and function , best thought and worked-up  at that time, well-received and appreciated by collectors or writers,  very hard to find  in mint / unused  condition ,   some 20-30 years must have passed since its making for the first time  ,and  is no longer in production ." . This is no attempt to impose some fixed-up ideas , or being  over-whelmingly dogmatic , but an honest endeavor to help fellow hobbyists  to reach atleast a working conclusion IMHOP. I request that this post must be read after reading my  earlierposts of 16 17 Jan ,2014

#32792 Parker's home town... frozen.

Posted by Saleem ali on 24 January 2014 - 04:28 PM in What's New in Your Life


 I think the affinity we have for "nature" is simply that the ecological balance that nature finds of over hundreds of thousands of years tends to be more stable than what we get when we change things rapidly with limited foresight of how things will play out.  



  In part , you agree with me that the Nature helps us , but the changes are very slow to observe, as  this planet or universe history spans over millions of years . what can be said of what we see in our limited life-time or observe ? This is not basically a science forum , somehow the topic started .  I have obseved one thing very clearly consistent about hollywood movies , which always feature that some disaster from the sky or from inside the earth is likely to evolve , or some alien creatures from remote planets are going to take our earth by storm, ! this reflects a very bad attitude , because real  scientists have analysed and  judged the sequences shown  far real from existing or  possible anywhere .( National Geographic and Discovery channels show geniune analyses. ) . I must conclude that we should strive hard to help the Nature , but in a very right and organised way to involve everyone from everywhere, not few biased people , and to settle down controversies rather than to evoke them , and with pure spirit ,    of course IMHOP

#32790 Parker's home town... frozen.

Posted by Saleem ali on 24 January 2014 - 03:58 PM in What's New in Your Life

kindly forgive me for some error during posting my comment (because of my browser settings), my correct post follws

#32633 Parker's home town... frozen.

Posted by Saleem ali on 20 January 2014 - 04:48 PM in What's New in Your Life

There is clearly a difference between science and "scientific". Manipulating some scientific data , albeit incomplete and requiring further elaborate studies ,and to frame your opinion ,and make it  everyone believe thru sheer propaganda , is not clearly science .Scientific facts after confirmation thru repeated studies , become "laws.I accept that man has caused serious damage  to worlds  ecology , but nature is self-correcting as well. And what  proponents of" global warming " has done so far in terms of helping the mankind ?

#32600 Parker's home town... frozen.

Posted by Saleem ali on 19 January 2014 - 05:13 PM in What's New in Your Life

Right this evening , i was talking to one of my colleague doctor at a dinner , somehow the topic of "global warming"  came into discussion ,and when  I told her , that its more a propaganda than fact , she was surprized ! I told her  that such topics  are started and  floated around by politicians and some media , who for the sake of promoting certain "new ( or so-called ) technolgies " , and making revenue out of it , and turn  situation unnecessarily  alarming as well as frightening . May be to divert the attention of  the public from more real issues , imposing restrictions or taxes .( Even in this era of information , rumours or false ,or un-settled issues spread fast IMHOP.)

#32594 Warm Hugs From Turkey To All Members

Posted by Saleem ali on 19 January 2014 - 02:51 PM in Say Hello!

You are welcome!

#32567 Beautiful underrated pens or how brand recognition affects collectors and pen...

Posted by Saleem ali on 18 January 2014 - 05:40 PM in Elements of Collecting: Hunting, Valuing and Polemicizing

Goodness is not confined to famous brands only !

#32566 Hello from Germany

Posted by Saleem ali on 18 January 2014 - 05:31 PM in Say Hello!

Welcome Jeph ! enjoy being member of FPB .

#32544 Just what is considered modern?

Posted by Saleem ali on 17 January 2014 - 05:56 PM in MODERN PENS. Yes... really.

Dear Milojinx ( and all readers !),    thanks for reading ,and commenting. I never tried to lay down any set criteria for defining  a "vintage" pen. I am very much interested in knowing the history of making things ,esp. fountain pens. I thought and re-thought ,but an exact definition of "vintage " acceptable to all is virtually non-existant  . I present before you  , the example of three very famous and well-appreciated pens ,and ask where they should fall  ? . First of all Parker 75 , which was made in about 1964 or  65 ,and discontinued in 1990 , where this pen lies  ?  its about same age as mine , it has  passed thru some changes ,esp by french workers , who altered some ergonomics of this pen i.e rotation of the nib ,but still improved the pen. Some authorities call it a "modern classic"!    Second example is legendary Mont Blancs 149 and 146 ,made more than 50 years ago , still in  production  and vogue ,and sought by pen -lovers;  they have too  undergone  profound changes,  from celluloid to "precious " resins ,flexible to rigid nibs , some alteration in the feed and piston designs , the only vintage character left  is piston-filler,  should we call the present models modern with vintage touch? and older ones  a vintage ? Third example is Sheaffer Targa ;    it reflected innovation in design and wide range of finishes , nothing special in filling mechanism , now discontinued  , but still available  in  original un-restored condition, is this a vintage pen ? . I have honestly  shared my views , and  I would like all FPNers  to reach some conclusion of this problem of definition . ( Defining   things always excite controversies  ! ) Liking a particular pen , is a very personal matter because of varying taste ,and writing needs of different  people.   Any  modern  or vintage  pen can be your favorite .

#32543 TALE OF A PARKER 51

Posted by Saleem ali on 17 January 2014 - 04:46 PM in Miscellanea: Ink, Paper, Calligraphy, Journals, Storage, Turning, etc

Dear Allan, your narration of a very true "story" , touched my heart . i am very pleased to read it full, it signifies your care for the people , i offer my special praise , keep loving !

#32492 Just what is considered modern?

Posted by Saleem ali on 16 January 2014 - 04:17 PM in MODERN PENS. Yes... really.

Some people hold that, "vintage" means , a product  representing  of its time which has past .  Surely,  the making of pens has undergone  tremendous evolution since last decade of 19th century  ,or even before it . But by this time , we see some serious efforts to make a writing instrument which is portable , have a reservoir of ink , can be owned or used by most people , not only for " princely " people. The pens were dip pens , eye-dropper fillers , piston-fillers , various type of other filling mechanisms introduced at different times , to modern "swap-away " converters,and cartridges . There has been  profound  changes in nib  materials and types,  as well design of pens and pen materials ,such as hard rubber ,celluloid, plastics , precious metals like gold ,silver or platinum. if you look pens of a particular time they exhibit similar features in materials , filling system ,and nib types. Lets have a look at "celluloid " era , when most pens were made from this  hand -turned  material , had gold nibs which were flexible to suite the hand-writing style prevalent at that  time.This IMHOP, may explain the term "vintage"., which by above quoted-example represents design ,material ,trend and innovation of a pen of a particular past period. People love vintage items , because they love "classics " , or they pamper their inherited treasures , or simply a love for older or antique items.

#32391 A sensible approach to amateur nib smoothing?

Posted by Saleem ali on 14 January 2014 - 06:55 PM in R & R: (Repair and Restoration)

 I would like to make staement of my own bad experiances .Learning from FPN or other forums , I gathered a lot of theoritical knowledge about damaged or badly perfprming nibs . I was sucessful in straightening bent  nib of my parker 75  after falling on the floor, but scratchiness did not go away.  I tried many things including writng on glass , brown bag ,card cover of legal pads , and to the worst making circles on "very fine grit paper" , result : nib remains scratchy and annoying . The nib did not break because 14 k gold permits flexibility and prevents breakage , while to straight  a  steel nib can very quickly break it .Lesson learned ; Leave the job to a professional nibmiester, this is the best advice IMHOP.To my dismal , there are no nibmiester here in Pakistan who can restore these nibs, and sending them to Mr Mottisaw or Binder would cost so much  , so a new nib can be purchased ! Again very costly ,here about 70.00 Us dollars!!


Posted by Saleem ali on 14 January 2014 - 06:05 PM in Post Your Pen Finds

Congrats Greg, truly amazing ! I also drem of it !

#32280 Differences between Pelikan 400 from 1950's and Pelikan M400 from 1980's

Posted by Saleem ali on 12 January 2014 - 06:53 PM in OTHER EUROPEAN and ASIAN PENS

Marvellous work, Christof Z , thanks!

#32131 Taking a Risk on eBay

Posted by Saleem ali on 09 January 2014 - 04:13 PM in Post Your Pen Finds

Congrats! on your wonderful restoration , do you intend to fill and write with it ? 

#32075 My Parker 15s

Posted by Saleem ali on 08 January 2014 - 05:56 PM in PARKER: (USA "Big Five")

They are simply amazing, congrats ,on having such a marvellous collection!