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There have been 9 items by watchinginkdry (Search limited from 27-September 23)

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#6379 Boston Pen People Meeting: 12 June 2 pm @ Jam N Java in Arlington

Posted by watchinginkdry on 11 June 2011 - 04:13 PM in Pen Shows, Clubs, Associations, Books and Magazines.

Our next meeting will be 2 pm 12 June @ Jam N Java (594 Massachusetts Avenue in Arlington). On our recent survey, quite a few people said parking was a factor; so we're off to the suburbs, to a place with a parking lot! As usual, please let me know if you'll be coming so I know about how much space to try to grab. If you don't drive but want to come, PLEASE let me know and I bet we can arrange a carpool.

And another reminder, we are recruiting people to give very short (<15 min) presentations about anything in pendom: ink formulation, manufacturing or repair techniques, Vac date codes, intersection of world history with pens, anything at all. Our next meeting will be in a library's community room, so we can have an AV setup if that's of interest. If you have a particular area of expertise, let me hear from you!

#4035 Boston Pen People, Sun 23 Jan @ 1 pm

Posted by watchinginkdry on 10 January 2011 - 08:23 PM in Pen Shows, Clubs, Associations, Books and Magazines.

Since this worked out well last time, I figure we'll try it again. . . and on National Handwriting Day, no less! So this time we'll be talking about handwriting: do you calligraph? what kind? What do fountain pens do for your handwriting--and how do you think they do it? Bring favorite nibs or handwriting samples you're proudest of, and if you're a calligraphy maven, be ready to give lessons to interested parties! As always, bring interesting finds from shows, new inks or papers, neato repair tools, or anything else you think we might all want to see.

Boston Pen People: the National Handwriting Day Edition!
1 pm Sunday Jan 23
Diesel Cafe in Davis Square (ample free street parking, steps from the Davis Sq Red Line stop)

If all goes as planned, Diesel will have a table reserved for us in the back; please let me know if you'll be attending, so I know how much space to ask for.

#5027 Boston Pen People, Sun March 20 @ 2 pm

Posted by watchinginkdry on 15 March 2011 - 09:00 PM in Pen Shows, Clubs, Associations, Books and Magazines.

Time for another Boston Pen People! We'll be meeting at 2 pm Sunday 20 March; we'll be doing a basic show-and-tell, so bring pens and associated paraphernalia (ink, paper, repair tools, pen cases, & c.) to show off, tell about, sell, swap, whatever.

Boston Pen People
2 pm Sunday 20 March
Diesel Cafe in Davis Square (ample free street parking, steps from the Davis Sq Red Line stop)

If you want to come or need more information, let me hear from you!

#2734 Boston Pen People, Sunday @ 1 pm

Posted by watchinginkdry on 03 November 2010 - 05:40 PM in Pen Shows, Clubs, Associations, Books and Magazines.

It's time for those of us in the Boston area who haven't decamped to the legendary Columbus Pen Show to have our own hobby hit, so Sunday at 1 pm we'll be meeting again in Medford (email me for the address). We're half a mile from the Davis Square redline stop but also have ample parking, so if you want any part of ride-sharing, let me know--or if you have mobility issues and the half-mile from Davis would keep you from attending, let me know as well and we'll arrange a pickup. Shoot me a line if you're coming, and since I don't QUITE have the capabilities of Diesel Cafe (our last meeting place), bringing any form of snacky foods would be very welcome (I'll supply potables).

Our theme this time will be--why do you collect or use pens? Bring your favorite exemplar of your favorite aspect of the pencraft (whether that's ink, nib, material, penmanship sample, or obscure and rare combination of color and trim!) to show off. As always, bring pens/ink/paper you'd like to trade, sell, or show off, and feel free to forward this to other people who might be interested.

#5079 In the Boston area? Never made a Boston Pen meeting?

Posted by watchinginkdry on 21 March 2011 - 07:01 PM in Pen Shows, Clubs, Associations, Books and Magazines.

Trying to get an idea of where the pen people in Boston live, and what would be a convenient meeting place. . . please go and take the super-short (~2 min) survey and let me know! (If you're on the Boston Pen mailing list, please only take the survey once--either through this link or through your emailed link, but not both.)

Tell me what kind of meetings & where you'd like to attend!

#1302 Pictures of Collections

Posted by watchinginkdry on 18 August 2010 - 04:05 PM in Elements of Collecting: Hunting, Valuing and Polemicizing

Awesome! It's always interesting to see what bits of their collection other people are most proud of.

#1836 the boston pen people done rose again

Posted by watchinginkdry on 12 September 2010 - 11:39 PM in Pen Shows, Clubs, Associations, Books and Magazines.

We had Jim Baer, Vance Koven, Myra Love, Joe Pollender, as well as very welcome newcomers Glen, Stephan Miller, Gino Pagnani, Sid, and Eric Kessel (sorry I didn't catch everybody's last name!), showing off some beautiful inks--the Sailor discontinued red-brown, the Diamine Red Dragon, Oxblood, and Syrah, the Montblanc British racing green, and many others--as well as some very choice finds from the DC show. There may also have been a certain gnashing of teeth on my part over some Diamond Points that Jim Baer has acquired!

Next meeting will be Sunday 7 Nov, 1 pm, at my house (27 St Clements Rd in Medford)--it's half a mile from the Davis Square redline stop but also has ample parking, so if you want any part of ride-sharing, let me know. Shoot me a line if you're coming, and since I don't QUITE have the capabilities of Diesel Cafe, bringing any form of snacky foods would be very welcome. Our theme this time will be--why do you collect or use pens? Bring your favorite exemplar of your favorite aspect of the pen craft (whether that's ink, nib, material, penmanship sample, or obscure and rare combination of color and trim!) to show off.


#1372 the boston pen people rise again

Posted by watchinginkdry on 23 August 2010 - 07:02 PM in Pen Shows, Clubs, Associations, Books and Magazines.

Hi all, Boston Pen People rise again Sunday 12 September at 1 pm, at Diesel Cafe in Davis Square (steps from the T, and metered parking is free and abundant on Sundays). We'll be showing off finds from DC and discussing favorite ink colors, so if you have things to show off, please bring! (If you have a lighted loupe, please bring that as well since lighting in cafes/restaurants is often a problem.)

I've also made a Boston Pen People group on Facebook, so if you're on Facebook and in the Boston area, join!

The usual addendums apply: shoot me a line if you're coming, feel free to pass this on to other interested parties, and if you have any questions, let me hear 'em.

#1769 the boston pen people rise again

Posted by watchinginkdry on 09 September 2010 - 06:07 PM in Pen Shows, Clubs, Associations, Books and Magazines.

reminder/bump! do come! (and email me if you're coming)