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There have been 6 items by Gerry Berg (Search limited from 06-June 23)

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#41009 Sheaffer Balance OS Demonstrator.

Posted by Gerry Berg on 19 May 2015 - 01:33 PM in SHEAFFER (USA "Big Five")

This is a standard size Balance plunger-filler demonstrator. I have not seen an OS version. Some of the early "Vacuum-fil" may look like OS demonstrators, but they were actually the commonly available retail models. See bottom pic, far left.






#41466 OS Balance #8 Pen

Posted by Gerry Berg on 30 June 2015 - 12:27 AM in SHEAFFER (USA "Big Five")

Bravo! Those early "self-filling" nibs are often quite flexible.

#41001 Omas LE?

Posted by Gerry Berg on 18 May 2015 - 03:06 PM in OTHER EUROPEAN and ASIAN PENS

I just acquired this Omas at Stilo Fetti in Rome. Marco, the proprietor, told me that it was a limited edition made specifically for Stilo Fetti. Does anyone know the name of the colo? I have heard "saffron", "senape" (Ital. for mustard), and "Burkina".  Any information would be appreciated.


The cap (far right) reads: "Omas Italy 017/131".




#41021 Omas LE?

Posted by Gerry Berg on 22 May 2015 - 07:36 PM in OTHER EUROPEAN and ASIAN PENS

The Pen

Having had this pen inked up and working now for a week, I can now say that I am completely delighted with it. It has what I would call an old-fashioned Omas nib which is exquisitely expressive with perfect flow. Its long tines are flexible, not 1920s Waterman flexible, but flexible nevertheless. And no matter how quickly I apply pressure to thicken the line, the feed provides enough ink to avoid "railroad tracks". It releases well from a full press without leaving a blob. Considering that I am a leftie and often get a nibmeister to "re-form" a pen nib for me, Omas has accomplished a major feat by satisfying me right out of the box. The celluloid has grown on me. When I bought it, I was pleased by its novelty; now I am pleased as well by its complexity. The quality of workmanship is evident in the three cap rings. They are perfectly set to conform with the faceting, a signature design feature of Omas.


The Shop: Stilo Fetti

As well, I want to tip my hat to the shop in Rome where I bought the pen, Stilo Fetti, just steps away from the Pantheon at Via degli Orfani, 82. Its proprietor, Marco, was extremely patient as I examined quite a few pens in his very large stock. When I wanted some time alone with my wife to decide on what to buy, I told him, “I’ll be back”. Instead of simply saying goodbye, he recommended a café where we had what turned out to be the best cup of coffee in Rome (quite a claim!). And when I returned to buy the pen, he recommended a very fine local restaurant for lunch devoid of tourists which could never be found since it was down several alleys without street signs and had a door that was entirely unmarked.


Finally, the actual glass a brick of the shop was a treat to anyone who loves old shops. It was filled with wood cases set in warmly polished wood-framed rooms with thick carpets and soft lights. Though I speak no Italian, Marco and his staff easily understood what I was looking for and were very helpful and considerate. There is no question that when I return to Rome, I will return to Stilo Fetti.


Here's their contact info:

Stilo Fetti, Via degli Orfani, 82, Roma. Tel. 06.678.96.62.



#42072 King of the WASPs ?

Posted by Gerry Berg on 02 September 2015 - 10:41 AM in SHEAFFER (USA "Big Five")

Very nice. I have not ever seen one in person. Is that round thing on the barrel the remnant of a label?

#42776 Baltimore Pen Show

Posted by Gerry Berg on 29 December 2015 - 07:36 PM in Pen Shows, Clubs, Associations, Books and Magazines.

Where can I get the latest info on the Baltimore Pen Show?